Our complaints process

Our staff always work hard to provide the best possible standard of service for customers, however we understand there are times when you may be dissatisfied or not happy with the service you have received. 

If this does happen then you can contact us to make a complaint.

Our Compliments, Complaints and Comments Policy sets out how we deal with complaints and the different stages we use to process a complaint. These stages are also set out below. 

You can also find out more information below about how we process your complaints and the standards we have to achieve.

Our process is compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Code to give you the confidence that we will deal with your complaint fairly and in a timely manner. 

For more information about the number of complaints we receive and how quickly we respond take a look at our Performance Page.  

Complaints Stage 1

We take complaints seriously and will always try to resolve any issues straight away when you first contact us. If you do go on to make a complaint, during Stage 1 we will: 

  • Acknowledge your complaint within five working days 

  • Investigate your complaint within 10 working days, keeping you informed as much as possible during this process 

  • Give you a full response by your preferred contact method when the investigation is complete 

Depending upon the nature of the issues raised and the outcome of our investigation, we will then 

  • Agree a resolution with you, where appropriate 

  • Apologise and give you a fair and honest response 

Complaints Stage 2

We aim to provide an accessible, fair and effective complaints procedure for all of our customers. 

If you are not happy with the outcome you can ask for it to be reviewed under Stage 2 of our complaints procedure. Please let us know about this within 20 working days from receiving your Stage 1 response. 

All Stage 2 complaints are reviewed by a Head of Service and our aim is to respond within 20 working days.


Ombudsman Service

If you have already made a complaint to us and are not happy with the way it has been handled - or you feel the issues you raised have not been addressed to your satisfaction - then you have the right to contact the Housing Ombudsman. 

The Housing Ombudsman offers a free, independent and impartial service to help resolve complaints made about landlords. 

You can contact the ombudsman at: 

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D

Telephone: 0300 111 3000 

Website: www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk 

Meet the Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman's Office also run a series of events called  'Meet the Ombudsman'.  They help raise awareness about the Housing Ombudsman's service.

The events are held monthly and offer tenants a forum to directly ask the Ombudsman questions about the service and what they do. The Ombudsman will not be able to discuss individual cases at these events. 

For further information about the Meet the Ombudsman Events visit the Housing Ombudsman's website shown above. 


Our self assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's Complaints Code

In April 2024 The Housing Ombudsman published a new Complaint Handling Code, setting out good practice that will allow landlords to respond to complaints effectively and fairly. 

Key areas in the Code are:

  • Universal definition of a complaint
  • Providing easy access to the complaints procedure and ensuring residents are aware of it, including their right to access the Housing Ombudsman Service
  • The structure of the complaints procedure - only two stages necessary and clear timeframes set out for responses
  • Ensuring fairness in complaint handling with a resident-focused process
  • Taking action to put things right and appropriate remedies
  • Creating a positive complaint handling culture through continuous learning and improvement
  • Demonstrating learning in Annual Reports.
  • The Code is part of the Ombudsman’s new powers in the revised Housing Ombudsman Scheme.


The self-assessment was completed by our Customer Relations Team and reviewed by members of the Tenant Scrutiny Committee. It has also been approved by our Executive Management Team and Board in April 2024. Click here for a copy Housing Ombudsman Self Assessment.

Annual Complaint and Service Improvement Report 23/24

The Housing Ombudsman’s Office introduced a revised Complaints Code in April 2024. The Code sets out the standards against which all member organisations should deal with complaints. Compliance with the Code is a statutory requirement.

Part of the statutory nature of the Code means that landlords are required to submit an annual submission of their performance against the Code to ensure they are compliant. This also includes a requirement that member organisations produce an Annual Complaints and Service Improvement Report.

The purpose of the Annual Report is to provide the Housing Ombudsman, tenants and other customers with insight into complaints; how many were received, how quickly they were responded to and what was learnt as a result of the feedback received to improve service delivery.

It is a statutory requirement that the Annual Report is reported to an organisation’s Governing Body (or equivalent) and that the report and the Governing Body’s response to the report is published on the organisation’s website. 

The Annual Report was noted by Executive Decision Order on the 27th June, 2024, by the Portfolio Holder of Housing and Business, who is the Member Responsible for Complaints. The response to the report was to approve the Annual Complaint and Service Improvement Report as a true and accurate reflection of St Leger Homes’ complaint management performance for 23/24.  

A copy of the Annual Report can be found here.

The 'Make Things Right' campaign

The Government have launched the 'Make Things Right' campaign to make sure that social housing residents who are struggling to resolve their problems and need support, are aware of how to make a complaint. 

You can find more information on the Make Things Right website.

Complaint or Compliment