It's really important to us that you can see how well we are performing  against the standards of delivery that you have said are important to achieve, against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures set by the Regulator of Social Housing and against our key performance indicator targets, as these are the targets that you have told us matter to you. 

How we are performing against key measures is monitored by the Performance and Improvement Committee on a quarterly basis and by our Board, 

Our Key Performance Indicators cover various areas of the business so that we can keep a regular track of how we are doing and can take corrective action where we need to. 

We also carry out our yearly Tenants Satisfaction Measure surveys during the months of May to September and report these to the Regulator of Social Housing each year. 

Our Annual Review, which we produce every year, sets out how well we have performed in the previous year, what challenges we have had and what we have achieved. This is sent to every tenant in the October edition of our HouseProud magazine as well as in video format which we publish on You Tube or on Facebook. 

You can find our latest performance information by clicking on the links below. 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well housing providers are doing at providing good quality homes and services.  

Tenants give feedback by answering questions about their satisfaction with the services we provide, for a range of services.   

These measures will drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.  

The main themes the TSMs focus on are:  

• Keeping properties in a good state of repair. 

• Maintaining the safety of buildings.  

• Engaging with customers in a helpful and respectful way. 

• Managing neighbourhoods in a responsible way.  

• Handling complaints effectively. 

For 12 of the new measures we asked a representative sample of tenants survey questions about how satisfied they are with some of our services. We will provide internal management information to the Regulator of Social Housing for the remaining 10 TSMs in June and report these on this web. 

This will give you the opportunity to hold us to account if we aren’t meeting your needs.  The idea is that this will help improve social housing across the country – which is something we all want!  

Along with every other social housing landlord we have to report our TSMs to the Regulator of Social Housing in June each year and make the results available to you.  

Click here to see our  Tenant Perception Survey Results 2324, how we compared to organisations similar to ourselves, and how we compare with other organisations when looking at the mid year position.  Q1 stands for Quartile 1 and where this is shown in the table it means we are in the top quarter of performing organisations. 

How Did We Do?

Overall we are doing well when compared to others. We do have some more work to do to improve satisfaction on how we handle complaints and are currently carrying out transactional surveys to help us better understand where we need to improve. Overall we are pleased with our performance. 

The scores have been rounded up or down to the nearest whole percentage point.

How Do We Carry Out the Surveys?

We use an external provider to carry out the phone surveys between May and September each year. We ask a range of questions to measure satisfaction which are set by the Regulator. The questions are here.

The external provider contact a representative sample of our tenants by telephone, using stratified sampling. This means they divide our tenant data into sub data based on specific characteristics set out below. This ensures responses are representative of our management areas, property type, occupancy, ethnicity and age group. The table below shows the split. 

  Population % Responses %
Management Area    
South West 29% 29%
Central 29% 29%
East 20% 20%
North 22% 22%
Property Type    
Bungalow 30% 30%
Flat 17% 17%
House 51% 51%
Other 1% 1%
Gypsy and Traveller Plot 1% 1%
0 -1  26% 27%
2 31% 33%
3+ 43% 40%
Under 35 13% 14%
35 - 59 43% 39%
60+ 44% 46%
White British 91% 93%
Other  9% 7%

The total sample size achieved of 1013 survey responses ensures the required  ±3% margin of error at 95% confidence level. This means that we can be 95% confident that the results shown are representative of our whole tenant base, within a plus or minus 3% margin of error. 



St Leger Homes has to meet standards set by the Government’s Regulator of Social Housing which help to make sure tenants are provided with safe, well-maintained homes and receive high-quality services.

These are called Consumer Standards and they are made-up of four parts:

  • Safety and Quality Standard – Providing safe, good quality homes with good quality services 
  • Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard – Treating tenants with fairness and respect so they can access services, raise concerns, influence decision making and hold landlords to account 
  • Neighbourhood and Community Standard – Landlords engaging with relevant parties so tenants can live in safe well-maintained neighbourhoods and feel safe in their homes
  • Tenancy Standard – Providing fair allocation and letting of homes and management of tenancies 

You can read more about the social housing standards that tenants can expect from their landlord at and you can watch our 'What are Consumer Standards'? short video by clicking here.

We always aim to provide the highest levels of customer service. These aims are set out in our Customer Charter, which we review on a regular  basis to make sure that the promises we make are ones that matter to our customers. 

The Charter was developed by working with our customers and listening to customer feedback. It is built around 4 key themes:

  • People
  • Homes
  • Communities
  • Partnerships

Not only does the Charter set out our promises it also sets out the standards we use to measure whether or not we have fulfilled our promises.

The standards in the Charter are monitored by our Performance and Improvement Committee on a 1/4ly basis.  Click here for our most up to date performance. 



Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Tenant Satisfaction Measures  (TSM) measure areas of performance that are important to you and are essential in helping us understand how well we are serving our tenants.

The Dashboards below show our KPI and TSM performance against these key measures for the current year and for previous financial years. 

Performance Dashboard 2024.25

Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023.24

Performance Dashboard 2023.24

Performance Dashboard 2022.23

Performance Dashboard 2021.22


We don't always get things right and when we don't we want to learn from this to improve the services we provide. 

But it's also great when customers tell us that we have gone over and above to support them.  

For more information on the number of complaints and compliments we have received and how quickly we responded, click on the link below.

Complaints and Compliments Cumulative Report 2024 - 2025



Each year St Leger Homes will publish its Audited Financial Statements, details can be found by clicking here