Safeguarding Awareness Week, 20-24 November 2023

Safeguarding Awareness Week Timetable 2023 P1
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From 20-24 November we will be taking part in Safeguarding Awareness Week, along with partners from Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board, the Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Board and other local authorities in South Yorkshire.

The aim of the week is to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues, highlight some of the key safeguarding topics, start conversations and promote safeguarding best practices.

The week will host a range of safeguarding events and training opportunities on a variety of subjects including:

  • dangerous dogs
  • online safety
  • neglect
  • and other safeguarding topics across both children’s and adults safeguarding. 

We encourage our customers, staff members and other local partners to come along to any of these sessions where you can. You can find the details of all events and training being offered, and details of how to book on to the sessions, by clicking the link here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either or – and you can find more information about Safeguarding Awareness Week by visiting